Artificial intelligence already knows about us.

On this day, they decided to ask AI (Artificial Intelligence) one question... The question was asked three times, and the answer was different each time, with varying dates and surnames of scientists, but the essence remained the same. Even AI already knows about us. The question asked was - "What is the WarpDrive RWA project?" AI's response: The WarpDrive RWA project is a research project aimed at developing a prototype engine based on the Alcubierre warp drive theory. The project is headed by Dr. Gabriel Rodriguez from the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom. The goal of the project is to create an engine capable of generating a spacetime deformation bubble that would allow a spacecraft to travel faster than the speed of light. Interaction of the second component of the electromagnetic field: In-depth analysis using Maxwell's formulas The second component of the electromagnetic field, magnetic induction (B), describes the strength and direction of the magneti...