
Showing posts from February, 2024

Artificial intelligence already knows about us.

On this day, they decided to ask AI (Artificial Intelligence) one question... The question was asked three times, and the answer was different each time, with varying dates and surnames of scientists, but the essence remained the same. Even AI already knows about us. The question asked was - "What is the WarpDrive RWA project?" AI's response: The WarpDrive RWA project is a research project aimed at developing a prototype engine based on the Alcubierre warp drive theory. The project is headed by Dr. Gabriel Rodriguez from the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom. The goal of the project is to create an engine capable of generating a spacetime deformation bubble that would allow a spacecraft to travel faster than the speed of light. Interaction of the second component of the electromagnetic field: In-depth analysis using Maxwell's formulas The second component of the electromagnetic field, magnetic induction (B), describes the strength and direction of the magneti...

Upheaval of Scientific Paradigms: Unveiling New Perspectives in Electromagnetic Field Research

By transcending the boundaries of traditional scientific disciplines, our team has uncovered new possibilities for understanding the nature of the electromagnetic field. The conventional approach to this issue has proven limited and incapable of explaining certain intriguing phenomena observed in our research. One such case is the discovery of a second component of the electromagnetic field hidden behind the rotational part and divergence. For years, researchers believed that the divergence of the magnetic field is always zero, according to the Coulomb gauge. However, our experiments and calculations have shown that under certain conditions, this divergence cannot be ignored. We have developed and constructed laboratory setups that allowed us to isolate and study this second component of the electromagnetic field. Observing our research from various perspectives, we have witnessed incredible phenomena corroborated by other researchers worldwide, such as changes in the weight of the set...

The essence of scholarly work: patience, attentiveness, and the search for commonality.

Anyone who has been involved in scientific research can see that the most difficult work of a researcher is routine, requiring super patience. In addition, you need attentiveness and inside constantly trying to find commonalities in the observed processes even before you see the full analytics on the graphs and realize the points of contact between the phenomena, the areas where the process is not controlled, at least not yet, and where to look for the interesting and unknown.  Patience and analysis are like a pennant and the unknown recedes millimeter by millimeter, bringing knowledge and joy of finding where no one has looked yet))))) The stand setup continues. Preparation, pre-tuning of impulses, acceleration and separation of them For those who are interested in using the Telegram channel to inform the WarpDriveRWA project, it is open, please join us. Chat is also supported. Your cooperation    Your support     Our contact information   

We carry out customization work....

 Conducting tests with new programs. The previous program spun up to 90 rpm, the new one up to 30-40 rpm. But at the same time we got the opportunity to view signals. We analyze. Inconsistencies have been identified that limit the rotation speed of the rollers. Eliminations are underway. Your cooperation    Your support    Our contact information      

News of WarpDrive RWA project!

Hello to our friends!  Our work on the WarpDrive RWA project and the VSTEMP installations continues with with great enthusiasm. We are pleased to inform you that the first version of our laboratory control program VSTEMP has been released, which will make working with the plant easier. At the moment, the program has graphical indicators of the sensors of the roller control sensors, we also plan to display the temperature sensors. temperature sensors, weight change sensors, and roller speed sensors!  As you can see, we continue our work in the direction of to improve the working prototype of our laboratory machine VSTEMP, but not as fast as we would like.... Nothing and no one can stop us, we continue to move forward. Your support is very important for us, moral, likes, and financial.  This will speed up the release of the working prototype of the VSTEMP installation. You can learn more about our work and support us at at the following links: Our contact information  ...

History and modernity

  The path of knowledge remains the most attractive for a person, no matter in what area the efforts are made. There are great cooks, there are brilliant healers, there are unique artists. In science everything is exactly the same. Theoretically, the path of development and construction of research reasoning is built on the studied fundamental theoretical material. A pile of previous misconceptions, where bastions of reinforced concrete theories and axioms hold back the thin rays of aspirations and human guesses. It would seem that the ray of knowledge finds a small gap between the multi-ton slabs of theory and tries to squeeze through the roughness of the arguments of scientific opponents, of which there are a great many, and the closer to free space, the more people there are, with reasoned reasons, trying to crush the ray of knowledge and new ideas that is alien to everyday life. There are many examples of this in the history of science. And today I just want to remember the ini...

Does it match your idea of ​​magnetic fields?

Pay attention to the arrangement of metal filings around the magnet. Does it match your idea of ​​magnetic fields? Write in the comments. File taken from

They recognized us as competitors!

Hello! We're here again, the RWA group of intuitives and our WarpDrive RWA project. We would like to present the following information to you. In a short informational movie. Our contact information Your cooperation Your support  

Discoveries are on the horizon!

For thousands of years throughout the evolution of mankind, all man has needed are two things! Food and shelter. Over the past three centuries, with the advent of scientific and technological progress, people have become very demanding of energy. Energy in any form. Energy that is present everywhere and available to us... Наші contact information Your cooperation Your support  

Work report!

 Відвідувачі з групи intuitive людей від RWA Railwayautomatic! Ви повинні бути прикріплені до вас, щоб подумати про проект RWA WarpDrive і наполягати на тому, щоб помітити, що в роботі ми будемо робити. Наші contact information Your cooperation Your support

A few words about life

  A few words about life Perhaps some time ago it was difficult to imagine that a technologically complex product could be manufactured in a country torn apart by war, and in a city that is also exposed to daily damage, even today, missile bombings and UAV attacks. It turns out that it is quite possible. You can find people performing non-trivial technological tasks, apparently this is in human nature - survival. In addition, difficult tasks that require an active thought process distract from everyday difficulties and often help cope with stress. Attention is the new formula for dealing with stress - get busy with science and difficult tasks, then everyday little things like lack of electricity in your home will seem like just a period for long-awaited rest and relaxation. It all depends on how you look at things. Suddenly, ideas begin to appear that lead specifically to solving problems that seem unsolvable at first glance. Life begins to become more colorful and filled with deep...