About Project

A constantly growing consumption of energy resources requires more active reinvention of existing data related to the electromagnetic field as the most fundamental, convenient and widely applied principle in all fields of electrical engineering. The analysis of existing theoretical and practical data of the field theory description mainly the electromagnetic field was carried out. Artificial calibrations and mistakes were found. The condition where the canceled second part of the electromagnetic field allocates fully was stated.

Experiments demonstrated that this component does not interact with iron filings, but interacts between one another specifically with a conductor by which an electric current and gravity flow. The main purpose is to test theoretical data in practice. To achieve the stated above purpose, a laboratory machine was engineered and assembled, thereby allowing testing physically all theoretically grounded and modeled data.

In the recent past, people were amazed when reading the science fiction novels of Jules Verne, absolutely not expecting that several decades after the appearance of the invented abstractions of the French writer, everything that he predicted in works of fiction would become commonplace today. The same can be said about a warp engine, in other words, about a certain device that causes the effect of space curvature and ensures, as a result of this process, the production of pure energy. More recently, it was a fiction of science fiction, but today it is a very real scientific topic on which thousands of theorists and practitioners around the world are working.

One of the varieties of warp engine already partially substantiated by theory and implemented in a variety of research options at the moment is the device of the brilliant inventor John Searle, more often referred to as the Searle generator. A device consisting of a set of magnets of various shapes and located in a certain pole sequence relative to each other in a circle. There are a sufficient number of varieties of this device, but the general principle is the same everywhere - the generator consists of several disks and rings around which rollers containing magnets move in a magnetic field. As a result of the circular motion which in the first phase requires the launch of the movement of the rollers, carried out in various ways, both by software and by direct mechanical action. In subsequent phases of controlled circular motion, space curvature effects occur.

The device operates on the principle of capturing spatial photons with reduced entropy, leading to a decrease in the temperature of the environment surrounding the device, a fact noted by almost all researchers of this process.

The fact is that when the rollers with magnets move, the flow of excited electrons accelerates and a vacuum is created around the generator. There is a process of temperature drop, which is a prerequisite for the occurrence of superconductivity effects. Some researchers have noted the occurrence of anti-gravity phenomena. In addition, general research observations include evidence of a quiet operation of the generator, not accompanied by noise or vibration phenomena, and there is no increase in temperature in the generator parts.

However, the most valuable thing today is that this device is capable of generating energy. Moreover, it is a source of clean and renewable energy, which is also absolutely limitless. Who would refuse to have a completely independent device in their home that provides a high level of comfort and does not require the installation of wind turbines or solar panels. Much more environmentally friendly in production and compact in finished form. 

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