About Us

 We are doing our research on behalf of Railwayautomatic, a company that has vast experience and we will introduce you to its history. 

We are Ukrainian company and we have branch in Germany.

RWA – is a professional engineering company, that is working in the field of traffic control systems automation for more than 24 years. The experience we’ve received and the continuous search for innovation technologies, for the the ways to increase the quality of our products and services let RWA effectively control all the stages of systems development process – from the design up to startup. RWA is capable of processing the full scope of projects when building new or modernization of existing traffic control systems for mainline, industrial transport and metro.

To carry out the construction, commissioning and startup procedures RWA has all the necessary licenses from the corresponding authorities. Company is developing and has a serial production of the modern interlocking systems, that are based on innovative microprocessor technologies. Microprocessor traffic control systems that RWA is producing have passed through the certification process and received the functional safety certificate of compliance. 

Our contact information   https://linktr.ee/warpdriverwa

Your cooperation   https://www.patreon.com/WarpDriveRWA

Your support   https://www.buymeacoffee.com/warpdrivert


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