A few words about life

 A few words about life

Perhaps some time ago it was difficult to imagine that a technologically complex product could be manufactured in a country torn apart by war, and in a city that is also exposed to daily damage, even today, missile bombings and UAV attacks.

It turns out that it is quite possible. You can find people performing non-trivial technological tasks, apparently this is in human nature - survival.

In addition, difficult tasks that require an active thought process distract from everyday difficulties and often help cope with stress.

Attention is the new formula for dealing with stress - get busy with science and difficult tasks, then everyday little things like lack of electricity in your home will seem like just a period for long-awaited rest and relaxation. It all depends on how you look at things.

Suddenly, ideas begin to appear that lead specifically to solving problems that seem unsolvable at first glance.

Life begins to become more colorful and filled with deeper meaning.

Although external circumstances only exacerbate their impact. At least that's what it seems like.

Any success is felt and perceived much more sharply and deeply, and failures only encourage the search for new solutions.

Work activities begin to bring pleasure and stimulate a thirst for new achievements.

What can keep a person from knowing and comprehending more, nothing but himself.

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