History and modernity

 The path of knowledge remains the most attractive for a person, no matter in what area the efforts are made. There are great cooks, there are brilliant healers, there are unique artists. In science everything is exactly the same. Theoretically, the path of development and construction of research reasoning is built on the studied fundamental theoretical material. A pile of previous misconceptions, where bastions of reinforced concrete theories and axioms hold back the thin rays of aspirations and human guesses. It would seem that the ray of knowledge finds a small gap between the multi-ton slabs of theory and tries to squeeze through the roughness of the arguments of scientific opponents, of which there are a great many, and the closer to free space, the more people there are, with reasoned reasons, trying to crush the ray of knowledge and new ideas that is alien to everyday life. There are many examples of this in the history of science. And today I just want to remember the initial stages of creating the installation. The torment of theoretical groundlessness that contradicts known axioms and falls outside the generally accepted scientific postulates. It's in the past. What's in the present? Hopes, new test facilities, understanding that ZERO is the door behind which freedom lies. But we were taught so diligently from school not to look there. And we kept passing by, the situation is comparable to the fairy tale about Pinocchio or described in the film The Matrix. Ignorance is bliss? Everyone decides for themselves.

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