Upheaval of Scientific Paradigms: Unveiling New Perspectives in Electromagnetic Field Research

By transcending the boundaries of traditional scientific disciplines, our team has uncovered new possibilities for understanding the nature of the electromagnetic field. The conventional approach to this issue has proven limited and incapable of explaining certain intriguing phenomena observed in our research.

One such case is the discovery of a second component of the electromagnetic field hidden behind the rotational part and divergence. For years, researchers believed that the divergence of the magnetic field is always zero, according to the Coulomb gauge. However, our experiments and calculations have shown that under certain conditions, this divergence cannot be ignored.

We have developed and constructed laboratory setups that allowed us to isolate and study this second component of the electromagnetic field. Observing our research from various perspectives, we have witnessed incredible phenomena corroborated by other researchers worldwide, such as changes in the weight of the setup depending on its rotation. It is noteworthy that our setups fully coincide with theirs.

Although our discoveries have challenged widely accepted scientific paradigms, some researchers are not yet ready to embrace them and understand their essence. Nevertheless, we continue to work on expanding our understanding of the electromagnetic field and uncovering new horizons in science.

Our work is not confined to experimental observations alone. We also delve into theoretical aspects concerning the electromagnetic field. Maxwell, in his equations, utilized some key concepts that laid the foundations of modern electrodynamics.

Specifically, Maxwell's equations in the differential form include the following expressions:

div D = 4πp
div B = 0
curl E = -dB/dt
curl H = dD/dt + J.

These equations define the relationship between electric and magnetic fields, as well as their interaction with electric charges and currents.

Note that Maxwell did not employ the "rot" operator, which we commonly use to describe the rotational part of the electromagnetic field. His approach was different, but it does not diminish the significance and importance of these equations.

Our research has revealed that in some cases, the divergence does not equal zero, especially in the case of the electric field. This expands our understanding of the nature of electromagnetic radiation and opens up new prospects for further research.

We urge all interested individuals to join our team. Together, we can make significant discoveries and revolutionize our understanding of electromagnetic phenomena.

We call upon all who share our enthusiasm and desire to expand the horizons of scientific research to join our team. Our achievements may hold the key to understanding nature, which remains largely undisclosed. Together, we can change the world of science and make new discoveries that will alter our understanding of the Universe. 


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