Hi, friends!
We would like to remind you about our participation at Hannover Messe from April 22 to 26, 2024!
Join us at the WarpDrive RWA booth in Hall 17, Stand B84.
We look forward to sharing with you revolutionary discoveries in magnetic properties and electromagnetic fields that promise to change the future of science, technology and medicine.
Don't forget that time is of the essence and there is not much time left for the start of the exhibition!
You will be able to get to know our team and ask us any questions you may have about the VS TEMF laboratory unit and even feel and control the operation of our unit by touching the WarpDrive RWA prototype.
Today is a busy day and there is a lot to do.
We are on our way to our next goal.
Hurry up today so you won't regret it tomorrow!
See you at our WarpDrive RWA booth in Hall 17, Stand B84.

We look forward to seeing you!!! 


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