WarpDrive RWA project.

 In the beginning of 2013 Dmitry Kuzmenko using only certain theoretical bases, revision of available variants and determination of the most appropriate ones - coinciding with his worldview, started to work on the WarpDrive RWA project.

Enthusiasts interested in such inventions, having heard about his WarpDrive RWA project, joined the project started by him to work together!

Our group of enthusiasts under the leadership of Dmitry Mikhailovich Kuzmenko 

having analyzed the installations of Roshchin and Godin (1993 and 2003) and the installation of the Americans (2012-2013), their experiments, from the point of view of the theory of the second component of the Electromagnetic Field, and we began to see their pros and cons. The reasons for success and failure.

We consider them as examples confirming the correctness of our conclusions and as an intermediate result of our laboratory setup - the WarpDrive RWA prototype.

In 2013, the first laboratory unit was built.

The year 2017 gave its fruits for the realization and construction of our improved laboratory setup.

We have defined the theory, modeled the conditions under which the second component of the magnetic field is released as fully as possible, and this has been confirmed by simulation.

The magnetic rollers have a rotational motion as well as a translational motion.

around the magnetic ring.

The spontaneous acceleration of the magnetic system is associated with the simultaneous

presence in a local region of space of electric, magnetic and gravitational fields connected with each other. Under certain conditions an electromagnetic vortex arises, based on the maximally separated second component of the electromagnetic field, turning the field inside out in the traditional perception. By creating a torus, the possibility of active interaction with gravity opens up.

Today our task is to accelerate the rollers to the required speed. Also, to control and manage the rotating rollers from a stationary state to high speeds, to keep them at a certain speed and to be able to stop them completely.

The test rig is equipped with all necessary control sensors to record any change of parameters during testing.

We would be grateful for subscriptions on all our social networks, any moral, technical and financial support.

We are open to investors, if there is a convergence of views, we are ready to cooperate.

Our contact information - https://linktr.ee/warpdriverwa

Your cooperation - https://www.patreon.com/WarpDriveRWA

Your support - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/warpdrivert


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